Weigh In–Week One

 So last week on Monday I said that I weighed 176lbs.  It has been a week and now it is time for me to weigh in.  I am going to treat this blog like a weight watchers meeting.  Every week I will weigh in and tell you my progress.

Me 4/29/13 176lbs

     This week I 9122a-haircut-5weigh–wait for it–176lbs!  That’s right I didn’t lose a single pound last week!  Bummer  right?  Well it isn’t as bad as all that because I have decided I would also take measurements.  So the verdict on that is–I lost an inch in the biceps, waist, hips, and upper and lower thighs.  I also lost a half inch in the bust and around my neck so all in all not a terrible week.

The great thing about this is that I know that I am doing everything I can.  I am eating healthy and exercising as often as possible (at least 4 days a week).  I am counting calories and not skipping meals and snacking on healthy stuff throughout the day.  I have done everything I can and my body just decided it didn’t want to give it up this week.  That is ok.  I feel great and I am losing inches.  Over all I am doing really well.  I have lost 3 lbs in two weeks and that is still really good.

                                                                                                                                       Starting Weight 18596449-883984_395648513867178_2083725925_o

So this week I am the tortoise but that is what we want right?  Slow and steady.  This is about changing the way I think about food and the way I live my life.  This is about learning to make good food choices and to master self control.  I am on my way to doing that and so excited about the progress that I have made in the last two weeks.

For the first time, I stepped on the scale, saw that I hadn’t lost any weight, and did not feel guilt or even frustration.  I allowed myself grace realizing that it isn’t about size it is about being healthy.  Don’t get me wrong I want to lose weight and that is still a huge goal of mine, but I am in this for the long haul!

In other news, I cut my hair off!  13 inches or more and I absolutely love it!  What do you think?b14de-haircut-30e91d-haircut-415e0d-haircut-25244f-haircut-1